Spartan questions & answers

Cut, copy, paste, delete and rename your files
Question by Guest
September 7, 2022

I'm a paid user with version 17 installed. I've been a Spartan user for at least a decade, I can't work without it. I had to reinstall version 17 a few years ago; in the process I lost 7 nearly full pages of research materials and reference quotes that I use daily. I had to reconstruct all of them on the new installation. I had a vague notion that they might be on the AppData storage but was too busy to learn how to retrieve them. I'm sure they are long gone by now.

I don't want to have to go through those headaches again. Please instruct me on how to safely update (do I need to make a backup etc?) to the most recent version. Thank you.

Answer by Saumya Sharma

The answer to the question is that it is recommended to create a backup of your files before updating to a new version of Spartan, to avoid any possibility of data loss.

Question by Guest
July 21, 2022

How can I retrieve my key info? I installed on new laptop but it won't paste my clips and brings up a screen asking me to pay again. I have a lifetime license, bought and paid for. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Larry Hurlbert

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

You can retrieve your key info by contacting Spartan's customer service. They should be able to help you access your license information.

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Clipboard Manager

Enhances the Windows clipboard by storing all the textcopied to it, allowing later retrieval through Clipboard Organizer
rating Clipboard Organizer includes various clipboard management functions.


Save the history of the objects sent to clipboard by using the copy function.